A Book Review of "Quantum Healing – Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine" by Deepak Chopra

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

Deepak Chopra is a well-known physician trained in both India and the United States now in Endocrinology, he was also the former chief staff of New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham, Massachusetts and founding president of the American Association of Ayurvedic Medicine. his insights on both Western and Eastern medicine give him a more complete and well-rounded understanding of the origin of the disease.

Hippocrates, father of medicine, thought nature cure diseases and even modern medicine is necessary in an emergency, it has recently taken a 90 ° turn away from the original vision of Hippocrates. The turn has been toward drugs and surgery, but many of today & # 39; s modern diseases can be prevented by maintaining a healthy mind and body. These solutions, long-term sustainability and lack the intelligence of the body. Understanding this requires a different approach called "Quantum Healing". Deepak Chopra describes quantum healing "capabilities one mode of consciousness (mind) itself to correct the mistakes of another consciousness (body)."

The Quantum perspective began with Einstein, who found that nature was not always predictable and expanded Newton & # 39; s linear physics. Planck discovered a measurable nature of energy, which converts non-matter content, time into space and mass into energy. Later Irish physicist, John Bell, the English astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, both believed in the connection between our thoughts and the universe. Invisible force turns thought (not) in the form of (stuff). We neurotransmitters perfectly fit the mind with the body and DNA-based RNA, a mirror-image copy of DNA, which carries out tasks in the body. From a quantum perspective, as we think and feel, to create chemical changes in the brain that sets off a chain reaction of physical reactions. Both good and bad thoughts change in the field of intelligence and thereby the body for better or worse. In this way, our consciousness is the free distribution of intelligence between mind and body.

Ayurveda is a medical point of view where symptoms are controlled by the attention. In Ayurveda, every part of the body connects to certain herbs, colors, minerals and even sound. Use meditation techniques such primordial sounds are implored to start healing. Meditation brings subconscious thought patterns during primordial sound uses a vibration to heal others. Usually Om, pronounced AUM, the vibration or sound used to represent the collective vibration or sound of all living things and is a way to connect to the true self is obscured. Ayurveda is different from Western Medicine in that it considers the war (disease) begins inside the body. Louis Pasteur & # 39; s germ theory, the cornerstone of Western Medicine, believes the war (disease) begins outside the body. However, even if Louis Pasteur himself acknowledged that his controversial theory was wrong on his death bed. Do not you think its time for us to give up his theory?

Love and compassion are our highest qualities and in this situation, we can not contradict us. True love and compassion for us and all other creatures allows us to live in harmony with nature. One way to show love and care for all with what we eat. We can eat in support of nature and ourselves, the ultimate gatekeeper health of the mind. Carcinogenesis, stress, chemicals, fatty and processed or sugary foods, and diets high in animal protein can all cause cancer, but eventually the body can restore itself. In the medical field, the spontaneous healing rare and not well understood. Such unpredictable recovery is the quantum level and beyond what modern science can measure or take, they are empty.

The wisdom of the ancient Rishis of India was recorded in ancient Vedic text & predated the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years. These texts reveal many of the concept found in quantum healing and Ayurveda. The Rishis discussed three conceptual consciousness: waking, sleeping and dreaming and fourth, non-subjective state attained only in meditation or prayer. The fourth condition is known that most of our natural state and here we can destroy our illusions and the rest of our own true nature. The Rishis also believed that all beings were not bound by time and space, but were infinite. So think and feel from the heart, not with your head, think good thoughts and feel good. Act in accordance with the nature and character will always provide you in many ways. "The deeper reality beyond space and time, we can be all members of one body." -Sir James Jeans

Source by Serra Lynn Smick

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