New Book offers self-prescription for happiness and success

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

The Trust Inner doctor, one happily married couple, Drs. Ina and Glenn Nozek, offering personalized prescription, which is really self-prescription for success and happiness. Through a series of chapters and exercises, which Nozeks walk readers through how to improve their lives in numerous ways, and it's all about listening to what they call the "inner doctor," which could be interpreted as intuition or inner knowing of what is right for you. Not everyone is like, so not everyone will get to eat the same food will make you healthier or pursuing the same kind of career will make you well. But Nozeks tips provided in this book, you can figure out what you can do to make a better life for yourself.

Relying Inner doctor takes a holistic approach to happiness by encouraging the reader to look at all aspects of his life or her and find a balance between them. As a retired chiropractor who also drove Lifeline Center for Holistic Health in New Jersey and are now leaders in Isagenix International, a health product they have been found to have amazing results, but Nozeks do to maintain your physical health is a priority, but they also understand that physical health is not just about nutrition and exercise; it must also encompass emotional and mental health.

Just like all of us who Nozeks have had their struggles. They & # 39; ve experienced the ups and downs of operating a business and raise a family, together own struggle. Ina is very forthright about her battle with her weight, and both Glenn and Ina struggled to quit smoking-habit they knew it, especially as future health professionals, they had to break, hard as it was. In short, they are human, and that makes them able to connect to the rest of us, and their warmth and desire to help others shines through these sites.

The problem most people have in making realistic and permanent changes in his life is to know where to start. The Nozeks addressing these issues early in the book by talking about the importance of believing in yourself. It & # 39; s usually our fears and self-doubts that hold us back from pursuing our dreams and success. The Nozeks share their own personal stories of how they and others learn to believe in themselves. One discussion in these early chapters, I thought was particularly effective was watching "Ladder commitment." It helps you understand how committed you are to make lasting changes, it encourages ultimately you make a promise to yourself to be committed and be successful.

Another powerful chapter deals with the need to separate ourselves from negativity. I agree with Nozeks in their advocating for not watching the news because almost all of it is irrelevant to our lives anyway, and most of it is driven to stir up fear in people. We need to separate ourselves from everything that causes us fear and anxiety and makes us negative and self-doubting, including what we read, watch and listen and toxic people around us.

The second section deals with the power of affirmations, something I & # 39; ma firm believer in that I loved Ina & # 39 ;. S story of how she used affirmations not only to audition for Wheel of Fortune, but she actually got on the show and won! Building on her own experience, she teaches us how to create your own affirmations to develop our mindset that is willing to achieve what we choose to focus on.

When we have worked through separate our true, powerful and passionate self from what holds us back in life, then we are ready to find out our "why." The exercises following each section are particularly useful for figuring out what we want truly in life and to create measures to work to achieve it. The Nozeks guide us in how to learn to be honest with ourselves about what we want so we do not give up or compromise our dreams or integrity.

Other chapters are focused on more traditional issues of health, but even these chapters are consistent with reliance on internal doctor. The Nozeks make the point that we are all biochemically different, so while it & # 39; s important for us to eat healthy food, we also need to pay attention to how our bodies react to different foods. And just as we need to separate ourselves from negative and toxic people in our lives, we need to separate our body from toxins in our food and in our environment. One chapter of the book is devoted to the subject cleaning-how to go about finding a reliable product to use, and the benefits to be achieved. Another chapter is devoted to focused management.

But perhaps best of all moral balance, which means that while we need to stop listening to the world and listen to us, it does not mean that we must self-absorbed, but that we become better people which will also help others down the same path to happiness. The Nozeks model in their marriage by serving each other. They have made a commitment to be happily married, and it must be working because they & # 39; have been married since 1988. I loved the advice on the importance of giving and how it relates to marriage

"When it comes to relationships, be a giver is absolutely critical for the success of our wedding day, back in 1988, I & # 39 ;. never forget what Glenn will & # 39; s father said to us: .. & # 39; Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition it & # 39; 70/30 SA proposals, and if you each give 70 percent, it will come out 50/50 & # 39; What I & # 39; ve learned later as we continue to spend many years together well married to it & # 39; .. is not even 70/30 100/100 but each partner has to give 100 percent when one partner is a giver, that & # 39; s the marriage can be truly successful in any relationship, be a giver and give 100 percent of himself it is required whether it & # 39; s .. with friends, business partners, family or any relationship where you are wanting to performance, it is what is needed. "

Where you & # 39; re at in your life, whether you want to make radical changes in life, or you & # 39; re just looking for some tips on how to make small changes direction improvement, inner trust your doctor will give you many ideas to make your life better and it will provide you with the tools to change these ideas into reality it & # 39 ;. s time to begin to trust prescription internal doctor has been try to give you all along. after all, if you can not trust you, you can trust?

Source by Tyler Tichelaar

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