The Mind-Body Connection and symbolism Pain

December 24, 2016 | By admin655 | Filed in: Uncategorized.

Those who are bound to traditional medicine, also known as allopathic medicine, the human body look very different from the additional or other medicine. Those in allopathic field rarely see the body as a whole organism. This is shown by the doctors so specialized they lose consciousness which man is more than just a body. It is no longer a sense of inter-connectedness, inter-relationship, the unit body. What has also been lost is a sense of unity consciousness within the body.

In Western medicine are very few people who understand the energy field in connection with the physical body. Chiropractors know that you can have knee problems showing signs of his hip. The two are related and linked. Many times doctors who only work on the knee and the loss of the connection. Really happened with my mother. Chiropractic care works on all skeletal structure and not just the knee.

In addition, mind-body health perspective an emotional connection to what is happening in the physical aspects of yourself. For example, problems in the hip may be symbolic of the individual problems remain in his or her life. Problems in the knee can represent a lack of flexibility. Become aware of fear move in another direction in life, and resolve fear, can literally assist in healing hip.

This symbolic relationship may be with any part of the body. I once worked with a woman who had tremendous pain in her shoulders. She received massage and chiropractic care and pain went away for a while and then return. I taught her to focus on tense muscles and actually converse with them. In this process, she discovered that she was "carrying" her son on her shoulders. He was having a difficult time and she was very worried about him. When she came to realize that she could support him by being there for him, but she need not bear it, being able to literally "breathe out" the tension. She experienced instant relief.

When you have pain in certain body parts, talk to it. I know it sounds silly, but give it a try. Ask her why it's hurting? You may very well find an answer to relieve pain is held within discomfort. You then have the choice whether or not to make changes in your life or being in physical discomfort.

Source by Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.

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